Welcome to our 3-6 week Studio Arts program, free and open to elementary students, focusing on art and games, reading and writing, creating and sharing! In this workshop series, we will produce published postcards of poems and illustrations created by our participants, designed by our contributing artists, writers, and interns, and printed professionally by our publisher.

Roots and Wings

Elementary Arts and Culture Program with Literary Publishing

Young Writers Workshop 2024 

Spread the Word

Do you know someone who might be interested in reading and writing poetry, prose, and short fiction, as well as creating and publishing their own series of postcard poems? Share this opportunity with them by downloading the brochure and/or flyer below!

Our Supporters

Both our Roots & Wings Elementary Workshops and EmpowerED High School Workshops have been brought to you with the generous support of the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation and Dzanc Books, and curriculum curation by FO’s Initiative for Young Writers.